Thursday, May 12, 2005

Europeans warn Iran not to resume nuclear work

My post at Sudan Watch May 2, 2005 titled EU's Solana to start dialogue with US on China - CIA supports genocide in Sudan? was linked to today within the comments at a post by Little Green Footballs, and caused a spike in the traffic at Sudan Watch.

Here is a copy of LGF post Thursday, May 12, 2005:

European Union Springs into Action

The European Union has broken out their most feared weapon to threaten Iran - the dreaded toughly worded letter: Europeans warn Iran not to resume nuclear work (Hat tip: Ethel.)

VIENNA (Reuters) - France, Britain and Germany have warned Iran they will break off talks and join Washington in seeking U.N. Security Council action if Tehran makes good on its threats to resume atomic work, EU officials said on Thursday.

The foreign ministers of the European Union’s three biggest powers sent a toughly worded letter to Hassan Rohani, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, warning that resuming potentially arms-related nuclear work “would bring the negotiating process to an end,” an EU diplomat quoted the letter as saying.

“The consequences could only be negative for Iran,” it said.

That’s telling ’em.

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